Module 2

Lesson 1 – Welcome to Inner Peace U

Learn how about your Inner Peace Journey and how to get the very most from your explorations and exercises.

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Lesson 2 – What is Inner Peace

Find out why our efforts to find inner peace or happiness can easily backfire and actually lead us away from what we want.

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Lesson 3 – Inner Peace Mistake #1

Why what we’ve been taught about finding happiness and inner peace is entirely wrong.

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Lesson 4 – Inner Peace Mistake #2

Understanding the internal cycle that drives anxiety, stress, and overwhelm–and how it can be turned around to work for your happiness is what we’re focused on in this Lesson.

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LESSON 5 – Inner Peace Mistake #3

“I am anxious.” “I am depressed.” “I am angry.” How these kinds of thoughts can block us from the freedom and ease we deserve.

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LESSON 6 – This Month’s Daily Exercises

Find out what yoga-based tools you’ll be using during the first month of our Inner Peace Journey.

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