Practices 2 – Four Weeks to Freedom
ON-THE-MAT PRACTICES: Each day, alternate between performing the Recognition Sequence and the Intentional Restoration meditation. Use the audio recordings below, and practice five times this week. For the Recognition Sequence learning videos, visit the Learning Resource Section.
OFF-THE-MAT PRACTICES: Utilize the Freedom Journal below to weave your intention and practices into daily life. Use daily.
In addition to the resources below, see the Learning Resource Section for additional support materials including videos of both versions of the Recognition Sequence as well as the 21-video posture guide. Need help? Contact us at

Recognition Sequence
Use the Recognition Sequence audio recording to perform the sequence once every other day to conduct the following Attention Deficit brain-training experiment.
IMPORTANT: If possible, use the Full Sequence as it has the embedded NOTE Experiment for this Module.
NOTICE the tendency of your attention to gravitate toward problems and disappointments.
As you move through the Recognition Sequence, watch how your attention has been trained to focus on what’s not working or is different from how you want it to be: “This posture is too easy.” “I hate this pose, I’m no good at it.” “I really don’t have time to do this practice right now.”
OBSERVE how your focus on problems and disappointments does nothing to improve them, at least for this moment, but it does make you feel worse.
Remember, we are literally constructing our experience of each moment with what we choose to focus on. It pays to choose wisely.
TRY changing the channel by focusing on something that is working well.
Feel the nourishment of the breath. Celebrate the places of strength in your body. Appreciate the fact that you are able to take this time for you and the creation of your very best life.
EXPERIENCE the change in your experience of the very same circumstances.
When we train our attention to focus on the positive aspects of each moment, our experience becomes one of more calm and ease, fulfillment and happiness.

Intentional Restoration
Perform the Intentional Restoration guided relaxation session every other day (alternating with the Recognition Sequence).

Freedom Journal
Use this fill-in-the-blank journal to help you perform your “off-the-mat” practices and integrate your learnings and exercises into your daily life. Complete the morning section before you start your day; the evening section before bed.